Board Of Directors

Prof. Dr. Lawrence Lowell

Prof. Dr. Lawrence Lowell

Prof. Dr. Lawrence Lowell, the Executive Chairman of Community and Entrepreneurial Development Initiative (CEDI Ghana), is a Professor of Business Administration and Dean of International Programmes for St. John of the Cross University, Costa Rica, with a PhD in Business Administration. Prof. Lowell is also a Full Professor of International Programmes and "Partner Academician" of Business University of Costa Rica for West Africa, stationed in Nigeria. He is the Director of International Programs for the West African Affiliate Centre of Quetzalcoatl University of Veracruz, Mexico.

Prof. Lowell is a Professional Counseling Psychologist and Guardian Counselor licensed by the Ghana Psychology Council, with full Membership in the American Psychological Association, the International Council of Psychologists, and the International Association of Applied Psychologists, holding a second PhD in Psychology.

He is in legal practice as a "Certified ADR Practitioner (CertADR)" and was a Member of the Ghana National Association of ADR Practitioners (MGNAAP). He is a current Member of the "International Bar Association" and a Member of the International Law Association British Branch, holding a third PhD in International Commercial Law and Treaty. His other academic degrees include a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Law (LLM), Bachelor of Law (LLB), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Education in Psychology with a minor in Law (BEd), and Postgraduate studies in Pastoral Ministry from Valley View University, Oyibi.

Prof. Lowell is chartered and licensed as an "Accredited Management Consultant (AMG)" and is also a Fellow and Global Academic Adviser and Board of Standards in Ghana for the Global Board of Academics & Professors Advisory Council of GAFM USA.

He is also Co-founder and Programmes Director of the Chartered Institute of Educational Practitioners, Ghana, a newly registered Educational Professional Institution.

He has an academic and professional reputation both internationally and locally. He was the first Graduate School Coordinator for Valley View University, Kumasi campus (VVU), the first Ghanaian Premier Private University.